Business Valuation

When you know how much your business is worth, you are better equipped to make informed decisions by weighing the risks and rewards. When you know how much your business is worth you are better equipped to make informed decisions by weighing the risks and rewards.

Why is it Important?

A BusinessVALUATION can give you data for how your business is performing in areas that impact the key value drivers impacting the fair market value of this important asset, your business.

How to get a Business Valuation?

With the assistance of your ActionCOACH, you can now determine the value of your business in less than 10 minutes and get a customized, dynamically driven Valuation Report, including value scenarios and comparative market data.

The 2 most important questions every entrepreneur needs to ask themselves:

  • How much is my business worth?
  • How much can my business be worth tomorrow?

The data you get from a complete business valuation allows for business owners just like you to be able to:

  • Sell your business for top market dollar
  • Receive additional lending or lines of credit from banks
  • Persuade partners to further invest in the business growth strategies
  • Set the business up for proper pass off to the next generation
  • Negotiating Buy/Sell agreements
  • Asset analysis for your insurance policies

This report dynamically generated & customized to each business:

  • Four different valuation estimates representing a range of scenarios
  • Financial summary & assessment relative to industry data
  • Comparative analysis of Income, Cash Flow, Assets, plus other metrics & critical success factors
  • Financial, business, and growth characteristics to calculate your business value

Your first consultation is free.

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