What Does Consistency Mean in the Workplace?

Will Rappole

June 26, 2024

What Does Consistency Mean in the Workplace?

What does consistency mean in the workplace?

Consistency is all about the results and deliverables. It is the McDonald’s model, we know exactly what to expect every time we order a Big Mac; whether I order it in California, Texas, or Dubai. Good or bad, like it or not, it is always the same! This consistency gives us confidence. At the end of the day, it is about consistent processes, policies, procedures, and the expectations from the customer side.

Consistency is the key to success in any business. The business needs a consistent flow of customers, who need to be serviced by consistently motivated and qualified employees who are going to deliver consistent quality to the customers.

What drives consistency in the workplace? The answer is a consistent workforce. Let us define the characteristics of a consistent workforce. Consistent results come from a higher level of discipline of the smaller tasks and habits we do consistently. Those positive habits we call them RICHUAL… I know, I know I spell it RICH YES… because they are habits that make us rich.

Self-mastery is key to any successful employee. It starts with mindset and the willingness to be better every time. Prioritizing the tasks that are going to get us closer to achieving our goal. For example, creating daily RICHUALs, like waking up 30 minutes earlier to meditate and drinking water to hydrate. If we want to get more out of life and our business/career, we need to maintain our body and make sure it is in optimal shape. Mastery of yourself is mastery your life.

Self-mastery is also about being disciplined to use the MAGIC word. Not PLEASE and THANK YOU like we learned in kindergarten. The most important work in self-mastery is NO. Prioritizing what we do is about managing our schedule in a proactive and intentional way. Saying NO to repetitive meetings and random events. Only say YES to the activities that serve your business purpose. Famous billionaire investor Warren Buffett once said, “The difference between successful and less successful people is the successful say ‘no’ to almost everything.” Wouldn’t it be a relief to feel confident enough to simply say ‘no’ when someone asks you to take on yet another task or commit to another event? (BBC article “Why saying ‘no’ will boost your career”)


Practicing gratitude is one of the most transformational practices you can implement in your life. Since we are all grateful for the positive things in life like our family and the roof over our heads, and the wonderful things that we own, my challenge for you is to practice gratitude for the less fortunate things in your life. Like, “I am grateful for the dream car that I cannot afford, as it’s making me more disciplined to work harder in life in order to get it one day.” Or “I am grateful for the years of civil war and living in bunkers because I learned how to be resilient…” That extreme was to make a point. Learn to use wants as motivation to action. Finding the positive in the negative is what differentiates successful people from the rest.

Now I know I said practice gratitude is the most important skill you can start implementing today, well this one is a close second. Successful people always consistently ask for help. They surround themselves with people who they look up to. Jim Rohn once said that you are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time. Look around you. Is it time to upgrade your entourage? If today, you are the smartest person in the room you need to be in a different room. And start learning from others.

Finally, never stop learning. We are one of the luckiest generations to have privilege of accessibility to knowledge. From YouTube to podcasts to print to everything in between, the main quality of consistency in the workplace and when our employees want to learn new skills and are constantly evolving.

Consistency starts with the individuals and systems that are consistent and disciplined. Now let us compare a successful workplace to a successful Major League Baseball team. All players have these characteristics to stay on the team. They recruit the best, they have a rigorous training calendar, they are constantly learning and evolving their skills; and most important they act as a unit helping each other. And that is the kind of consistency we need in the workplace. The consistency of how each team member shows up to practice with the same attitude when showing up to the game. A WINNING attitude.

Consistency at work is important because it helps create a predictable workplace. When employees can predict what will happen at work, they are more likely to be able to maintain consistency in their own behavior. This can help prevent problems from arising and help the workplace run smoothly. This will create an environment of trust and high productivity. Consistency in the workplace can also provide several benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, consistency can lead to increased job satisfaction and feelings of stability. For employers, consistency can lead to increased productivity and decreased turnover. In addition, consistency at the workplace can help to create a positive work environment.

And like everything else in life, if you would like to practice being more consistent, you need to start small and build your consistency muscle.

Edited from the original by Hala Dabboussy, ActionCOACH


Will Rappole, ActionCOACH Houston

March 12, 2024

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