My Coaching Story - Doug Winnie

Will Rappole

June 26, 2024

My Coaching Story - Doug Winnie

Some of the things that happen to you in life are not under your control. I've had what many consider to be a tough life, from moving house to house as a child in a financially challenged family, to having to raise my younger brothers when I was only 13, to being shot at while delivering pizzas in a Detroit suburb at 17, to running away from home and moving across the country at 19, to enrolling myself in college and writing the deposit check with no money in the bank. After having several jobs and growing a couple businesses, the struggles and successes had little meaning.  


Beginning in 2009, I started as a brand new action coach and what I've learned about business and life is they aren't easy or hard, it's exactly what you make of it, and I am a believer. On day one of ActionCOACH I wrote 20 I am statements and every one I wrote, except two which didn't matter to me after a few days, have all come true.  


I am a proud parent and wasn't before ActionCOACH. I am a dynamic public speaker and wasn't before ActionCOACH. I am talking with my mother daily and wasn't before ActionCOACH. I am a multi-millionaire and wasn't before ActionCOACH. I am getting amazing results for my clients. I am sought to be a coach. I am a proud owner of a Tesla. I am so proud of myself for doing all it took and all it takes to achieve greatness for our clients, for my family, and now for the entire world. I am proud to be an action coach and I am Doug Winnie.  

Will Rappole
April 16, 2024

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